Written for Our Growth: NT Survey
Holy War
John Bunyan’s (1618-1688) The Holy War Made by King Shaddai Upon Diabolus for the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World or The Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul (1682), is a noteworthy classic to which the Christian world should give renewed attention. In the spring of 2008, and currently in fall of 2017, we have studied this treasure together as a church family, aiming to accomplish the following objectives:
- to enjoy Bunyan’s work devotionally and with heightened understanding
- to allow the details of the allegory to give insight into our salvation and spiritual warfare
- to demonstrate the strong, practical Scriptural nature of the allegory
Bunyan’s work is not merely a commentary on the Scripture, though it does shine illuminating light on Bible passages and truths. The work truly fits the description C. H. Spurgeon once offered for Bunyan’s other superb allegory entitled The Pilgrim’s Progress, "Next to the Bible, the book that I value most is John Bunyan's ‘Pilgrim's Progress’, it is the Bible in another shape.'
The Holy War displays a refreshing grasp of the breadth and depth of Scripture, and Bunyan not only communicates the Scripture, but he uses the Scripture skillfully. The Holy War is essentially the teaching of the Bible regarding our salvation and subsequent growth in grace translated not only into English but into life.
We sell the Whitaker House updated version of The Holy War in our church bookstore. Also recommended is a wonderful re-telling of the story by Ethel Barrett in The War for Mansoul.
Free Online Editions
Downloadable study guides are available here.
Pilgrim's Progress
The following map is believed to have been originally produced for and printed without color in the Trapp & Hogg edition (London, 1778) of The Pilgrim’s Progress by Thomas Conder, a well-known cartographer. A later edition added color (D. Newell edition, New York, 1844).

Click on map to enlarge
John Newton penned a brief preface to The Pilgrim’s Progress that expresses his appreciation for Bunyan and his work.
Click here to see the numerous references Bunyan makes to The Pilgrim’s Progress in his own journal and vast correspondence.
Part 2: Christiana
Since our study of this portion of the story will be briefer and more introductory than was our study of Part 1, some may find it helpful to read an abridged version, prepared by Bill Lovegrove, which has been shortened to 15 pages and 10,000 words (original is more than 80,000 words). Some of the longer dialogues, minor characters, and review sections have been omitted.
Celestial Railroad (1843)
This is a piece of literature written by Nathaniel Hawthorne that I think you will find fascinating in light of our study in The Pilgrim’s Progress. It is not long (maybe a twenty minute read), but it is quite a masterpiece and engagingly written. Effectively borrowing from the familiar imagery of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, Hawthorne retraces Bunyan’s harrowing journey from the comfort of a railroad car, noting all the while the improvements and sophisticated refinements now available to people who long to arrive at the Celestial City by a less troublesome route than the one followed by Christian. He recounts a “new and improved” journey to the Celestial City – an easier, less burdensome, more refined journey that appeals to more people. For example, efforts have been made to improve the Slough of Despond, to carry passengers’ burdens for them, to upgrade the Wicket Gate, to bypass the Cross and Interpreter’s House, to smooth the journey through the Valley of the Shadow of Death and Vanity Fair, and to ferry passengers across the final river. All the while, passengers on the train are mocking those pilgrims who have chosen to make the journey on foot. The train is engineered by none other than Apollyon himself, who now instead of impeding travelers on the journey, now convinces them that he wants to take them there, but in the end, they learn of his true intention.
Study Helps
Dramatized, Abridged Version of The Pilgrim's Progress
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Permission granted on 12/1/2006 from the pastors at Trinity Baptist Church (Montville, NJ) to disseminate recordings. |
Children's Handouts
1) Introduction (no handout)
2) Slough of Despond & Help – Sinai & Evangelist
K5-2 |
3-6 |
3) Goodwill – Valiant Man
4) Man in Iron Cage – Formalist & Hypocrisy
K5-2 |
3-6 |
5) Timorous & Mistrust – Piety, Prudence, & Charity
K5-2 |
3-6 |
6) Peace in the Palace – Valley of Shadow of Death
K5-2 |
3-6 |
7) Faithful & Talkative – Vanity Fair, Hubbub in the Fair, In the Cage
K5-2 |
3-6 |
8) Trial of Faithful, Defense & Death – Money-love vs. Christian
K5-2 |
3-6 |
9) Hill Lucre & Demas – Castle-yard Bones, Escape from Castle
K5-2 |
3-6 |
10) Mountains & Shepherds – Christian & Hopeful, Great-Grace
K5-2 |
3-6 |
11) Flatterer & Shining One, Atheist – Argument with Ignorance, Of Ignorance
K5-2 |
3-6 |
12) Temporary, Beulah Land – Celestial City, Conclusion
K5-2 |
3-6 |
Subject & Adult Reading Guides (prepared by Bill Lovegrove)
Introduction to book: Life and Times of John Bunyan, Author’s Apology – Obstinate & Pliable
Slough of Despond & Help – Sinai & Evangelist
Goodwill – Valiant Man
Man in Iron Cage – Formalist & Hypocrisy
Timorous & Mistrust – Piety, Prudence, & Charity
Peace in the Palace – Valley of Shadow of Death
Faithful, Adam & Moses – Talkative, Christian & Faithful
3/27/16 |
Easter Sunday Service (No Sunday School) |
Faithful & Talkative – Vanity Fair, Hubbub in the Fair, In the Cage
Trial of Faithful, Defense & Death – Money-love vs. Christian
Hill Lucre & Demas – Castle-yard Bones, Escape from Castle
Mountains & Shepherds – Christian & Hopeful, Great-Grace
Flatterer & Shining One, Atheist – Argument with Ignorance, Of Ignorance
Temporary, Beulah Land – Celestial City, Conclusion
The children’s and youth classes will not progress on to Part 2 of the story. These lessons cover much more ground than the lessons through Part 1 (approx. 50 pages per week).
Introduction of Christiana - Clothed with White Raiment at Interpreter’s House
Departure from Interpreter’s House with Great Heart – Valley of Humiliation
Valley of the Shadow of Death – Conversation with Ready-to-Halt
After Ready-to-Halt – Celestial City